content marketing

Your B2B Marketing Needs a Distinctive Voice – Here’s Where to Find it

A brand is essentially an expectation. It goes beyond what you sell and says something about what people can expect when they do business with you. A fundamental part of that brand identity is the tone of voice. A brand voice used consistently across all channels helps to reinforce the expectation. Customers and prospects get …

Why You Shouldn’t do Content Marketing

I write marketing content for a living. A large proportion of this is for company blogs and is used in what we’ve come to know as content marketing. So you’d think that I’d be a content marketing evangelist. I’m not. First of all, to be an evangelist for anything you need blind faith. That’s not …

Shout as Loud as you Like, Nobody’s Listening

When the pipeline of good leads and prospects starts to dry up, businesses reach for the megaphone. This is a metaphorical megaphone, of course. It’s the one that blasts marketing messages through PPC, social and direct channels. More volume means more attention, right? But what if you’re not shouting things people want to hear? What …

What do you Want from Customers? Satisfaction, Loyalty, or Something Else?

The desire to measure customer satisfaction consumes budget and energy in many many businesses. I often wonder why. Businesses also talk a lot about customer loyalty. And I wonder whether they are clear about what they mean by loyalty and what they expect. Study after study shows that response rates from customer satisfaction surveys are …